Fondation Jean Piaget

 À Villa, en été 1936...

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The Jean Piaget Foundation for psychological and epistemological research was created in 1976 by Piaget with the aim of helping to develop these disciplines. The foundation has in effect supported over the years a certain number of scientific activities (scholarships for studying Piaget's papers, advanced research projects, organization of forums, etc.) such as publication of the latest research directed by or initiated by Piaget in the International Center for Genetic Epistemology.

In 2006 the foundation board of directors authorized the start-up of the Internet website, created with the primary aim of providing access to Swiss sage`s papers that are difficult to access and facilitating the evocation or discovery interviews, methods and conceptions that comprise psychological and epistemological genetics. In keeping with this extension that takes place progressively, the following items are or will be also placed at the disposition of the cibernauts: a well-equipped bibliography, a biography, audio and visual documents, introductory texts to the complete works or portions of same including reviews of published articles, etc.

TOP 3 of the most downloaded electronic texts (and continuation with TOP 50)

La construction du réel chez l'enfant
PDF Text available since 03.03.2008
La Naissance de l’intelligence chez l’enfant
PDF Text available since 23.10.2008
Les relations entre l'intelligence et l'affectivité dans le développement de l'enfant
PDF Text available since 06.03.2007


16.11.2011 - Carta de Información n.5 (traductor : Alcira Leon Morales)
04.06.2011 - Newsletter n.5 (translation by Jeremy Trevelyan Burman)
23.05.2011 - Lettre d'information n.5
20.05.2009 - Lettre d'information n.4
20.04.2008 - Lettre d'information n.3
18.10.2007 - Lettre d'information n.2
18.04.2007 - Lettre d'information n.1

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12.02.2023PIAGET-RIPSYDEVE 2023 : Psychologie du développement et de l‘éducation : Enjeux actuels et défis pour le XXIème siècle - 26-27 juin 2023 Genève (Suisse) - Prolongation jusqu‘au 28 février de l‘appel à communication !
01.02.2023La Fondation Jean Piaget a le regret de faire part du décès de Jacqueline Piaget, fille aînée de Jean et Valentine, survenu le 15 janvier 2023.
06/01/2021The Jean Piaget Foundation for Psychological and Epistemological Research sadly announces the death of Professor Leslie Smith on 29 December 2020.
Les Smith, as he was known by his friends and colleagues, was Emeritus Professor at the University of Lancaster, United Kingdom. With a philosophical background, he made a major contribution to the diffusion and expansion of the constructivist approach of Jean Piaget and the School of Geneva. He was particularly interested in the problem of the emergence of necessary and atemporal knowledge, which he considered from an epistemological, logical and historical point of view. He was also deeply involved with the English translations of the works of Jean Piaget, highlighting the deontological necessity of translating them in accordance with the spirit of the text.
08/11/2020Jean Piaget Foundation is proud to announce that the selected works of Jean Piaget (about 60 to 70% of his writings, including articles) have been translated into Mandarin, under the direction of Prof. Li Qiwei with a team of one hundred translators, and have just been published in 10 volumes and 19 volumes with a preface by our president Marc Ratcliff.
Oeuvres choisies de Jean Piaget en mandarin
23/09/2020The Jean Piaget Society progressively places at its cybernauts‘ disposition Piaget‘s works translated into English. Here below is the connection which will take you to those works that are available at the present:
04.04.2019Rédigé en 2010 par Guy Cellérier avec la collaboration d’Olivier Real Del Sarte, un document de travail, 1ère version du chapitre 1 d’un ouvrage en préparation sur "Les systèmes gouvernés par les valeurs", a été placé sur le site, dans la section Texte/Littérature secondaire I.
Ce chapitre concerne principalement les processus précybernétiques et cybernétiques, dont les processus d’équilibration majorante, susceptibles de rendre compte de l’évolution des systèmes biologiques, ainsi que la psychogenèse et la sociogenèse des structures intellectuelles, normatives et affectives.
09.09.2017The Jean Piaget Society will hold its annual meeting in Europe next year: Amsterdam May 31 – June 2, 2018. The Jean Piaget Society is now presided by Colette Daiute (
10.03.2017La version électronique du livre de 1974 de Piaget sur "Adaptation vitale et psychologie de l’intelligence. Sélection organique et phénocopie" est disponible sur le site de la Fondation Jean Piaget (menu Textes/Livres).
16.11.2016Le chapitre de "Conclusions générales" du livre de Piaget et Inhelder sur "L’image mentale chez l’enfant" (PUF, 1946) a été placé sur le site de la Fondation. Vous pouvez le télécharger en ouvrant la page "Textes" du site FJP
(choisir Textes/Titres disponibles/Chapitres/Ordre chronologique/années 1951-70), et en cherchant sous l’année 1966.
29.07.2014Une association pour sauver la maison de Pinchat (Genève) où Jean Piaget a vécu et travaillé durant 50 ans a été créée en 2014… Pour plus d’information, cf. Association pour la sauvegarde de la Villa Jean Piaget
02/05/2012English texts (in alphabetic order) are available HERE. Otherwise, the texts or other materials are for the most part in French.
15/11/2011We have placed on the Biography-Interview page of the Foundation’s website a recording in French (with a fixed image) of an interview with Piaget guided by G. Voyat (with assessment by B. Inhelder). This interview took place in February of 1980. The French text of the interview is available HERE (under 1980).

La conservation ne dérive […] pas de l’identité, comme le croit J. Bruner et comme le croyait E. Meyerson : elle suppose une composition opératoire des transformations, qui insère l’identité dans un cadre plus large de réversibilité (possibilité des opérations inverses) et de compensations quantitatives […]